MakePeace Kit Free Printables

Why Do Kids Need a MakePeace Kit?

While a lot of calm down or cozy corner printables include how kids can identify, calm down, or regulate their own emotions, this kit enables children who encounter conflict or heightened emotions with peers to come to problem solve, together, even at a young age!

Related: Top 6 Must-Haves to Include in Your CalmDown Corner Free Printables

Related: Calm-Down Kit Free Printables

What's Included in This Download?

This free printable infographic kit includes a visual poster with the steps of the MakePeace process, Calming Choice Chart, and Breathing Strategies that are designed to be used for children in preschool, but can also be used at home with siblings, cousins, friends, or with homeschool pods. 

How Should I Use My MakePeace Kit?

  1. Ideally, training, such as begin to ECSEL should accompany the usage of the MakePeace kit, in order to ensure successful implementation.
  2. The ideal age group for the MakePeace Kit is Preschool and older. 
  3. Read The Power of Emotional Regulation and Problem Solving Skills Blog for implementation details and tips.
  4. When introducing this process and during the first few years of implementation, be sure a trusted adult is present to help guide the process, especially for young children and pre-readers. 

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