As an author with more than 35 years of experience as a psychologist in the field of child development and early childhood education, I know firsthand the impact stories can have on young minds. Through storytelling, we can often help children understand and face difficult emotions in a safe and engaging way.
My latest book, Shemmy’s Wild Ride, is the sixth in my ECSELent Adventures series, and it delves into the feeling of embracing more autonomy as we grow–and all the emotions that go along with gaining agency, confidence, and self-control. In this book, Shemmy is growing up and notices that her relationships with her brother, Hemmy, her friends, and with her lovey, Mimi Curie, are changing. Mimi Curie provides Shemmy with a sense of security, comfort, and empowerment – similar to training wheels on a bike.
When Shemmy can’t keep up with Hemmy and her friends, she realizes her training wheels are holding her back, she also realizes she’s the only one with a lovey at the park.
In a dream later that evening, Shemmy experiences a rollercoaster of emotions, such as anxiety, fear, loss, and sadness, as her desire to be a big kid comes up against her familiar desire to have Mimi Curie by her side wherever she goes. Her sense of needing to let go of what has been her comfort is reflected in her losing her training wheels and then Mimi Curie in a big storm. In the dream, Shemmy faces her fears and gains a knowingness and the knowledge that although Mimi Curie is no longer by her side, she will always be with her in her heart. This newfound knowledge helps Shemmy develop the confidence and healthy sense of agency that she can do new and unfamiliar things on her own by trying very hard and persevering.
As children begin to grow and develop - needing to let go of the familiar, of what is known - often may need the support and help from caring adults. Growth is a constant battle of gain and loss - losing what felt familiar and secure to us while opening ourselves up to new experiences that drive us to accomplish what we never imagined we could. Life’s greatest challenge is confidently embracing the unknown as we grow and develop an ever-stronger sense of self.
When you read Shemmy’s Wild Ride with the children in your life, enjoy the book. Also, you can follow these tips as you help support moving children away from their transitional objects:
In the end, this book is about embracing a stronger sense of agency and autonomy as your child grows, which can be both scary and exciting, and–above all–perseverance and believing in yourself is always most important.
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