We know that planning curriculum lessons, entertaining young children with engaging activities, getting children excited about learning, and teaching children key emotional intelligence skills takes a lot of time and effort, which most caregivers don't have. ECL does the work for you, saving hours of planning time for teachers, mental health professionals, social workers, child specialists, and families!
As teachers and caregivers ourselves, we created each lesson based on the needs of other teachers and caregivers.
New lessons and activities are added monthly so there is always great content to reach for and bring emotional, cognitive, and social early learning into your classroom every day!
Each lesson includes prompts, guided questions, and extended learning opportunities to make leading activities easy and fun, not just for children, but for you. Each activity can be used by teachers in classroom settings, in play groups, at home with parents and children, and beyond.
The library explores ten comprehensive learning areas, including ECSEL, STEAM, music, movement, dramatic play, and literacy, all with ECSEL at the heart of each lesson. Created with an emergent curriculum mindset, our flexible, affordable, and easy-to-use printable lesson plans are culturally relevant and include topics that children are genuinely interested in, can connect to, and want to participate in.
Housman Institute, LLC
831 Beacon Street, Suite 407
Newton, MA 02459
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