Reflective Practice for School Leaders

Online professional development short course that strengthens the school community



Support School Leaders

School leaders have many responsibilities and potential stressors, including creating a positive school culture. But, when leaders are stressed and unable to self-reflect, the school will feel the overwhelming effects. In a recent survey conducted by the Yale Center of Emotional Intelligence (2021), over 1,000 school leaders were asked to share three emotions that they experienced in their profession.

95% were considered negative emotions such as stress, anxiety, frustration, and worry.

Leader who is stressed out with too many tasks

How Reflective Practice Helps Leaders

To combat the stress and other negative emotions that leaders feel, Housman Institute has expertly curated a three-module online short course designed to support leaders in utilizing reflective practice to enhance self-awareness, communication, and problem-solving in schools.

Each module in the Reflective Practice: Self-Awareness, Communication & Problem-Solving course includes an overview of topics and learning objectives, as well as engaging instructional videos, interactive scenarios, games, and assessments to inform and support learning. This Reflective Practice short course will also provide the learner with a small glimpse into our larger teacher and mentor training program, begin to ECSEL.

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Module 1: Helping Leaders Help Themselves

School leaders play a key role in education settings, but are faced with a unique set of heightened stressors. When the feelings that come from stress are left unmanaged, they are felt throughout the entire school community. In order to support others and succeed in your critical role, you need to help yourself first by managing your own emotionality.

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Module 2: How Leaders' Emotionality Impacts the Community

Leaders are met with countless responsibilities, obstacles, and stressors on a daily basis, making
it all the more important that leaders understand and manage their emotionality to prevent it from negatively impacting the community. In fact, a leader’s ability to manage and enhance their emotionality can positively impact the community.

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Module 3: Implementing Leadership and Reflective Practice

Reflective Practice takes practice. Apply your knowledge of Reflective Practice to real-life scenarios that leaders face on a daily basis.

Download Syllabus (PDF)

Who Should Take It?

School leaders include but are not limited to directors, principals, program coordinators, specialists, instructional coaches, mentors, lead teachers, and administrators.

What's Included?


Instructional Videos

Across the 3-modules course, you will explore self-awareness, self-reflection, stress-management, and Reflective Practice to manage your emotionality as a leader and how to integrate these concepts into your school community through Reflective Practice sessions.


Interactive Activities

Each module provides opportunities to enhance your learning through interactive activities, case scenarios, and real-life simulations to help you acquire the techniques needed to support your emotionality as a leader and your school community through the Reflective Practice steps.

LSC-downloadable resources

Takeaways and Resources

The course provides key takeaways from your learning and downloadable and printable resources, including infographics.


Hear From Our Customers

“The course content helped me to think about how I can work with and supervise staff in a more collaborative team approach that will support them, families, and children.”

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

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