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What We Do

Supporting Educators with Emotional Intelligence Tools Beyond the Basics

Our proven begin to ECSEL program supports everyone who touches early childhood education at school and at home, so that children can develop emotional intelligence in their first, most formative years.

Our teacher training, curricula and tools directly address the number one cause of teacher burnout–classroom behavior challenges–while moving BEYOND typical “behavior management” platforms to equip both educators and students with skills to both promote and unleash self-regulation and unlock learning.

Begin to ECSEL has been proven in multiple peer-reviewed studies to improve the core competencies of self-regulation, empathy, and other critical early learning skills.

Housman Institute's comprehensive synchronous and asynchronous educator and caregiver training options, along with our proprietary classroom experiences and tools, are proven to promote the building blocks of emotional intelligence starting from birth across demographics including socioeconomic, racial/ethnic and urban/rural students and classrooms.