Helping Families Have Those BIG Conversations Around Emotions-Take The Big Heart World SEL Quiz

July 14, 2021

As we start to gain our footing again after this time of upheaval and uncertainty we know that for so many little ones and their families there is a lot to talk about!  Any new school year can bring so much stress and anxiety, especially for young children, but this school year is a whole new experience. For young children entering pre-school they have now spent nearly half their lives at home. This has left them without the "normal" opportunities to develop social and emotional skills. They have missed out on making the important start to learn how to build friendships, understand and work with others and develop empathy.

Throughout this time there have been lots of emotions for everyone, but for young children for whom these early years are so critical to laying the foundation for emotional understanding and well-being all those BIG emotions got bigger. It is so important that they learn how to identify, understand, express, and regulate their emotions and those of others. Helping young children and their families have those BIG conversations around emotions and feelings is more critical than ever.  


We are thrilled to have partnered with our friends at Big Heart World and Sparkler on a 10 question Social and Emotional Learning Quiz for Families.  Take the Quiz and Receive a Customized Play and Learn Guide to help you and your children talk about how you are all feeling and begin to lay the foundation to build an infrastructure of emotional well-being. The custom guide has activities designed for parents, caregivers, and educators with children from approximately 2 – 10 years of age, with suggestions for how to simplify activities to meet the needs of younger children and how to make them more challenging for older children. As we head toward a school year in our "new normal" emotions matter! Together we can grow Big Hearts!

Take the Big Heart World SEL Quiz

Test De Aprendizaje Social Y Emocional Big Heart

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