Boston, Mass.–Hurricane Helene left catastrophic damage and loss, including the loss of lives, in its wake. As response and recovery efforts are underway, it’s important also to consider the emotional toll the storm has taken on you and your loved ones.
Dr. Donna Housman, a psychologist and the Founder of Housman Institute, is offering tips for adults and children on how to manage the grief, shock, and tremendous stress levels that follow a natural disaster of this magnitude.
“My deepest condolences go to those who have suffered tremendous loss and devastation due to Hurricane Helene,” said Dr. Donna Housman, Founder of Housman Institute. “People are not only processing the trauma of the experience, but also facing grief, severe stress and shock. These feelings aren’t limited to adults - children, including babies, are also feeling the devastation of the hurricane.”
Housman Institute is providing the below tips to take care of your mental health during this difficult time:
About Housman Institute
Founded by Dr. Donna Housman, Ed.D, the Housman Institute is an early childhood teacher training, research, and advocacy organization that seeks to provide the building blocks of emotional intelligence for lifelong learning and success.
Housman Institute, LLC
831 Beacon Street, Suite 407
Newton, MA 02459
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