Dr. Housman to Speak at Rocky Mountain Early Childhood Conference

by Housman Institute, February 21, 2022




Come join Dr. Donna Housman as she discusses how early childhood educators can use the power of emotional intelligence to support themselves and our youngest learners (ages zero to eight) as we adjust to a new normal in her session “The Power of Emotional Intelligence from Birth” on March 3rd from 10 am – 12pm mountain time 


Please be sure to visit the Housman Institute's virtual booth during RMECC 2022 to learn more about Housman Institute and our groundbreaking begin to ECSEL (Emotional Cognitive and Social Early Learning) approach, educator training, and classroom experiences.

Don't miss Dr. Housman's blog post for Denver's Early Childhood Council

READ Dr. Housman's Blog The Power of Emotional Intelligence from Birth

Topics:Early Childhood EducationEarly Childhood Educator TrainingRocky Mountain Early Childhood ConferenceThe Power of Emotional Intelligence from Birth
