It is that time of year—another start to a brand new school year filled with little fresh faces. They are coming, with their lunch boxes and backpacks filled to the brim with curiosity, questions, and big emotions … and they are not coming alone. Riding along on this most important journey are their parents. As these smallest learners cling to their moms and dads, they anxiously scope out this new and strange place called “school.” Not only are parents carrying their new scholars through the doors, but they are also carrying the weight of their own big emotions. For many parents, this might be their first drop-off, and they have no idea what to expect or what might happen once they let go of that little hand. So how do we build the home-school bridge?
Read Dr. Donna Housman's full article in the Exchange Magazine.
Housman Institute, LLC
831 Beacon Street, Suite 407
Newton, MA 02459
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